Monday/Tuesday League

This is the less competitive league.  Depending on the number of teams in the league, one or two evenings may be necessary.

Thursday League

This is the more competitive league. Teams are any combination of players, playing any position. Game time starts at 7:30. 

Wednesday Drop In 

w/ Lunch
This is something you don’t get with most curling clubs! Every Wednesday at noon we serve a $10 lunch of soup, sandwich and dessert followed by some curling til 2pm, if you wish. Curling is free for members and $10 for non members. Keep your eyes open for active and non active dates.

Family Curling & Learn to Curl

This is open to families or those that just want to learn the game. Ice is reserved from 10:00 to 11:30 on the following Saturdays:
Oct 26, Nov 2, 9, 23, 30 and Dec 7
The first session is a learning session with club member coaches and instructors.
Cost is $150/family of 6….only 4 at a time curl.
Learn to curl is only $40!